George Jung, The Drug Smuggler Who Inspired The Movie Blow, died at 78

What Happened to George Jung, The Infamous Drug Smuggler Who Inspired The Movie Blow Was the most famous drug dealer of all time could be George Jung? He was indicted by the plotline of his existence, which consists of several tenures in incarceration and a film adaptation as high profile. […]

Weed Bonsai, the basics of growing creatively, cannabis, marijuana, weed, pot

How to Grow a Bonsai Weed Plant, The Basics of Growing Creatively The bonsai trees of marijuana are real. This isn’t a myth, and you can grow your soul and make yourself happy and high with your weed bonsai tree. It is an interesting take on growing weed and finding

Cannabis in the time of the pharaohs: drugs of the ancient Egyptians, marijuana, weed, pot, drug

A Fascinating History Of Marijuana And The Ancient Egyptians Archaeological and ethnobotanical studies have revealed that ancient Egyptian prelates used the following psychoactive plants to carry out “journeys to the beyond.”The water lily, Mandrake, and, perhaps, a species of datura (Emboden, 1995). Other psychoactive drugs consisted of cannabis, henbane (Hyoscyamus

Jack Herer's Legacy continues, Ben dronkers , activist, cannabis, marijuana, weed, pot, man, story

Happy Birthday To The Emperor Jack Herer: The Legend Never Die Jack Herer is one of the most important and influential activist in the long war against cannabis prohibition. He was undoubtedly the only one capable of earning a front page in the Wall Street Journal and selling nearly a

cooking-with-marijuana-a-basic-guide-for-beginners, cannabis, weed, pot, cannabis recipe

Cooking With Marijuana: A Basic Guide For Beginners Cooking with marijuana is an excellent way to reap all the benefits that can also be a big changer to your smoking lifestyle.  You can have an edible post-workout before the film to minimize inflammation, or after all to relax. Many people

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