How to Make Bubble Hash: Complete Guide Step-by-Step (3 Methods)
Bubble hash is a type of cannabis concentrate that is made by using ice water and agitation to separate the resin glands (trichomes) from the plant material. Bubble hash is known for its high potency, rich flavor, and smooth smoke. In this blog post, we will show you how to make bubble hash at home with some simple equipment and ingredients.
What Is Bubble Hash?
Bubble hash (BBH) is named after the bubbles that form when it is heated and smoked. It is also sometimes called ice water hash or ice hash because of the method used to produce it. BBH is different from other types of THC concentrates, such as shatter, wax, or rosin, because it does not use any solvents or heat to extract the cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant. Instead, it relies on the natural properties of water and ice to separate the trichomes from the plant matter.
The trichomes are tiny, crystal-like structures covering cannabis flowers and leaves. They contain most of the cannabinoids and terpenes that give cannabis its effects and aroma.
By using ice water and agitation, you can break off the trichomes from the plant material and collect them in a series of filters or mesh bags. The resulting product is a pure and potent form of cannabis that can be smoked, vaporize, or used to make edibles.
Bubble Hash vs Kief, What Are the Differences?
The main difference between bubble hash and kief hash is the purity and potency of the product. BBH tends to have a higher concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes than kief hash, as it removes more plant matter and contaminants during the extraction process.
Kief hash, on the other hand, may contain more plant material and impurities, which can affect the flavor and potency of the product. However, both products can provide a potent and flavorful experience for cannabis consumers, depending on their preferences and tolerance levels.
What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Making Your Own Bubble Hash?

Bubble hash has some benefits and drawbacks compared to other methods of extraction.
Some of the benefits of making your own BBH are:
- It is safe and solvent-free, meaning it does not use any chemicals that could harm your health or the environment.
- It is a great way to use trim, which is the leftover leaves and stems from trimming cannabis buds. Trim usually has lower potency than buds, but it still contains trichomes that can be extracted with bubble hash.
- It gives you hash at your fingertips, meaning you can enjoy the concentrated effects of cannabis without having to buy or make other products.
Some of the drawbacks of making your own BBH are:
- It can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially if you use the manual method of stirring the mixture by hand. You also need to dry and cure the hash properly before using it.
- It can have lower yields and potency than other methods of extraction, such as dry ice or butane. This is because some trichomes may be lost or damaged during the process, or they may not pass through the screens.
- It can have variable quality and consistency, depending on the quality of the starting material, the size of the screens, and the skill of the maker. Bubble hash can range from light blonde to dark brown in color, and from crumbly to sticky in texture.
Should You Make Bubble Hash With Fresh Buds or Dry Trim?
One of the questions that many bubble hash makers face is whether to use fresh buds or dry trim as the starting material. There are advantages and disadvantages to both options, and the choice depends on several factors, such as the quality, quantity, and availability of the material, as well as the personal preference of the maker.
Fresh buds are flowers that are harvested from the cannabis plant and have not been dried or cured. They contain more moisture, terpenes, and cannabinoids than dry trim, which are the leaves and stems that are trimmed off the buds during the manicuring process. Fresh buds can produce bubble hash that is more potent, flavorful, and aromatic than dry trim, but they also require more care and attention to avoid mold and contamination. They also tend to yield less bubble hash than dry trim, as they have more water weight and less surface area.
Dry trim is the material that is left over after the buds have been dried and cured. It has less moisture, terpenes, and cannabinoids than fresh buds, but it is also easier to store and handle. Dry trim can produce bubble hash that is less potent, flavorful, and aromatic than fresh buds, but it also has a longer shelf life and a higher yield. They are also more abundant and cheaper than fresh buds, as it is often considered a byproduct of the cannabis industry.
Ultimately, the decision between fresh buds or dry trim depends on the goals and preferences of the bubble hash maker. Some may prefer to use fresh buds for their superior quality and flavor, while others may opt for dry trim for their convenience and efficiency. Some may even mix both types of material to achieve a balance between quality and quantity.
The best way to find out what works best for you is to experiment with different methods and materials until you find your ideal bubble hash recipe.
How Much Weed or Trim Do You Need to Produce Bubble Hash?
The amount of weed or trim you need to produce bubble hash depends on several factors, such as the quality of your material, the size of your bubble bags, and the desired potency of your final product. However, a general rule of thumb is that you can expect to get about 10% of your starting weight in bubble hash. For example, if you start with 100 grams of grass or prunings, you can expect to get around 10 grams of BBH.
Of course, this is just an estimate and your actual yield may vary depending on how well you perform the extraction process and how much plant matter is left in your BBH.
Some people prefer to use finer screens to get a more pure and potent product, while others use coarser screens to get a higher yield and a more flavorful product. You can also experiment with different strains and types of cannabis to see how they affect the quality and quantity of your final product.
Method 1: How to Make Bubble Hash with a Coffee Filter

To make BBH with a coffee filter, you will need the following materials:
- A large bucket or pot
- Ice
- Water
- Cannabis buds or trimmings (preferably frozen)
- A wooden spoon or a hand mixer
- A coffee filter
- A cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer
- A flat surface such as a baking sheet or a glass dish
- A razor blade or a scraper
The steps are as follows:
1. Fill the bucket or pot with ice and water. The ratio of ice to water should be about 50:50. The colder the water, the better the extraction.
2. Add the cannabis to the ice water and stir vigorously for about 15 to 20 minutes. You can use a wooden spoon or a hand mixer to agitate the mixture. The goal is to break off the trichomes from the plant material and make them sink to the bottom of the bucket.
3. Place the coffee filter over another bucket or pot and secure it with a rubber band or a string. Pour the ice water mixture through the coffee filter and let it drain. The coffee filter will catch most of the plant material, while the trichomes will pass through and collect at the bottom of the second bucket.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with fresh ice water and the same cannabis until you have extracted all the trichomes. You can do this two or three times depending on how much cannabis you have and how potent you want your bubble hash to be.
5. Place the cheesecloth or the fine mesh strainer over another container and pour the trichome-rich water through it. The cheesecloth or the strainer will catch the trichomes, while the water will drain out. Squeeze out as much water as possible from the cheesecloth or the strainer.
6. Transfer the wet trichomes to a flat surface such as a baking sheet or a glass dish and spread them evenly. Let them dry in a cool and dark place for at least 24 hours or until they are completely dry and crumbly.
7. Scrape off the dried trichomes from the surface using a razor blade or a scraper and collect them in a jar or a container.
Method 2: How to Make Bubble Hash with Micron Bags

To make BBH with micron bags, you will need the following equipment and ingredients:
- A large bucket or container that can hold at least 5 gallons of water
- A set of filter bags or ice water extraction bags that have different micron sizes (usually 220, 160, 73, and 25 microns)
- A wooden spoon or a hand mixer for agitation
- Ice cubes or crushed ice
- Filtered water
- Cannabis buds or trimmings (preferably frozen)
- A large tray or baking sheet
- Parchment paper
- A pressing screen or a microfiber cloth
- A card or a scraper
The steps are as follows:
1. Prepare the cannabis that you want to use for making bubble hash. You can use either buds or trimmings, but make sure they are dry and well-cured. You can also freeze the cannabis for a few hours before starting, as this will help to break off the trichomes more easily.
2. Fill the bucket or cooler with ice and water. You want to create a very cold environment that will freeze the trichomes and make them brittle. The ratio of ice to water should be about 50/50, but you can adjust it depending on the temperature and humidity of your location. You can also add some salt to the water to lower its freezing point and make it colder.
3. Line the bucket or cooler with the bubble-bags. You want to start with the largest micron size (usually 220) and work your way down to the smallest (usually 25). The bubble-bags will act as filters that will catch trichomes of different sizes and qualities. Make sure to secure the bags around the rim of the bucket or cooler, and leave some space between each bag.
4. Add the cannabis to the ice water. You want to use about one part cannabis to four parts ice water, but you can adjust it depending on how much hash you want to make and how potent you want it to be. You can also break up the cannabis into smaller pieces to increase the surface area and expose more trichomes.
5. Agitate the mixture of cannabis, ice, and water. This is where the magic happens, as the agitation will knock off the trichomes from the plant material and make them sink to the bottom of the bucket or cooler. You can use a wooden spoon or a hand mixer to stir the mixture gently for about 15 minutes. You don’t want to overdo it, as this will damage the trichomes and make them stick together.
6. Drain the water and collect the hash from each bubble bag. You want to start with the smallest micron size (usually 25) and work your way up to the largest (usually 220). You can use a hose or a faucet to rinse off any excess water from each bag, and then turn it inside out over a large flat surface covered with parchment paper. You will see a layer of wet hash on each bag, which you can scrape off with a card or a scraper.
7. Dry and press the hash into solid pieces. You want to spread out the wet hash on a pressing screen or a microfiber cloth, and then place it in a cool and dark place for about a week. Once the hash is dry, you can press it into blocks or balls using your hands or a clamp.
Method 3: How to Make Bubble Hash with Bubbleator B-Quick

To make BBH with Bubbleator B-Quick, you will need the following equipment and ingredients:
- Bubbleator B-Quick machine
- Cannabis buds or trimmings (preferably frozen)
- Ice
- Water
- Bubble bags (220, 185, 90, 70, 45, 38, and 25 microns)
- A bucket
- A large spoon or spatula
- A drying screen or paper towels
- A pressing screen or parchment paper
The steps are as follows:
1. Fill the Bubbleator B-Quick with water up to the indicated level and plug it in.
2. Place your cannabis material in the inner bag and seal it. You can use fresh or dried buds or trim, but make sure they are not too finely ground.
3. Add ice to the water until it covers the inner bag. The ice will help freeze and break off the trichomes from the plant material.
4. Close the lid of the Bubbleator B-Quick and turn it on. Let it run for 15 minutes.
5. While the machine is running, set up your bubble-bags in the bucket. Start with the smallest micron size (25) and stack them up in ascending order, ending with the largest (220). Make sure there are no gaps between the bags and the bucket.
6. After 15 minutes, turn off the Bubbleator B-Quick and open the lid. Carefully remove the inner bag with the cannabis material and drain it well. You can reuse it for another batch if you want.
7. Pour the water from the Bubbleator B-Quick into the bucket with the bubble bags. The water will contain the trichomes that have been separated from the plant material.
8. Lift up each bubble bag one by one, starting with the largest micron size (220). This bag will contain mostly plant matter and no bubble hash. Discard it or compost it.
9. The next bag (185) will contain some bubble hash, but also some plant matter. Use a spoon or spatula to scrape off the bubble hash from the screen and place it on a drying screen or paper towel. Label it as 185 microns.
10. Repeat this process with each bubble bag until you reach the smallest micron size (25). The smaller the micron size, the finer and purer the bubble hash will be. Label each batch according to its micron size.
11. Let the bubble hash dry completely on a flat surface in a cool and dark place. This can take several hours or days, depending on the humidity and temperature.
12. Once dry, you can press your bubble hash into solid pieces using a pressing screen or parchment paper and apply gentle pressure with your hands or a flat object.
13. Enjoy your bubble hash by smoking it, vaping it, dabbing it, or adding it to edibles. Remember that bubble hash is very potent, so start with a small amount and adjust accordingly.
4 Pro Tips to Guarantee a Perfect Result:
Making bubble hash is a rewarding way to create a potent and flavorful cannabis concentrate using ice water and a sieve. However, it requires some skill and practice to get the best results. Here are some pro tips to help you master the art of bubble-hash making.
- Keep everything fresh frozen: The colder the better, as this helps to freeze and detach the trichomes from the plant material. You can use a cold room, a freezer, or even dry ice to lower the temperature of your equipment and water.
- Use purified water: Tap water may contain chlorine, fluoride, or other chemicals that can affect the taste and quality of your BBH. Purified water ensures a cleaner and purer product.
- Start with high-quality weed: The quality of your bubble hash depends largely on the quality of your weed. You can use buds or trim, but make sure they are fresh, potent, and free of mold or contaminants.
- Use a freeze-dryer to dry your bubble hash: A freeze-dryer can speed up the drying process and preserve the terpenes and cannabinoids in your BBH. Air drying can take longer and expose your product to dust, bacteria, or oxidation.
How to Store Bubble Hash Correctly?

To preserve its potency and flavor, BBH needs to be stored properly. Here are some tips on how to store bubble hash:
• Keep it in an airtight container: Exposure to air can degrade the quality of bubble hash by oxidizing the cannabinoids and terpenes. A glass jar with a tight lid is a good option for storing it. Avoid plastic bags or containers, as they can leach chemicals into the hash or create static electricity that can damage the trichomes.
• Store it in a cool and dark place: Heat and light can also degrade the quality of bubble hash by activating the cannabinoids and terpenes prematurely. A refrigerator or a freezer is a good place to store it, as long as it is sealed well and protected from moisture. If you store it in the freezer, make sure to let it thaw slowly before using it, as rapid temperature changes can cause condensation and mold growth.
• Avoid touching it with your fingers: The oils and bacteria on your skin can contaminate bubble hash and affect its flavor and potency. Use a clean tool, such as a dabber or spoon, or wear gloves before handling it.
• Label it with the date and strain name: Bubble hash can last for months or even years if stored correctly, but it can also lose its potency and flavor over time. To keep track of your stash, label each container with the date it was made and the name of the strain you used. This way, you can use the oldest ones first and enjoy the different effects and flavors of each strain.
What Are Other Methods of Producing Hashish?
There are other methods to produce hashish, which is a general term for any concentrate that is made by compressing or purifying the resin glands. Some of these methods include:
- Hand-rubbing: This is one of the oldest and simplest methods of making hashish. It involves rubbing fresh or dried cannabis buds between the hands to collect the sticky resin on the palms. The resin is then scraped off and rolled into balls or pressed into cakes. This method produces soft and sticky hashish known as charas.
- Sieve: This method involves sifting dried cannabis plant material through a fine mesh screen to separate the trichomes from the plant matter. The trichomes are then collected and pressed into blocks or balls. This method produces dry and crumbly hashish known as kief or dry sift.
- Heat and pressure: This method involves applying heat and pressure to dried cannabis plant material or kief to fuse the trichomes together into a solid mass. This can be done using a hair straightener, an iron, a rosin press, or other devices. This method produces sticky and translucent hashish known as rosin.
Bottom Line - Make Your Own Bubble Hash Today
In conclusion, making your own bubble hash is a simple and rewarding process that anyone can do at home. Bubble hash is a potent and pure form of concentrate that preserves the terpenes and cannabinoids of the plant.
By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can learn how to make it using only ice, water, cannabis, and a few basic tools. You will be able to enjoy the full flavor and effects of your favorite strain without any solvents or additives. Try making your own bubble hash today and see the difference for yourself!
How to Make Bubble Hash - FAQs
Bubble hash or water hash can be consumed in various ways depending on your preference and equipment. Here are some common methods of consuming bubble hash:
• Smoking: You can smoke it by sprinkling it on top of a bowl of cannabis flower or mixing it with tobacco or other herbs. You can also roll it into a joint or a blunt with cannabis or tobacco. Use a lighter or a hemp wick to ignite the hash and inhale slowly and deeply.
• Vaping: You can vape it by using a vaporizer that is designed for concentrates or by using a vape pen with a cartridge that is compatible with bubble hash. You can also use a dab rig or a nectar collector to vape bubble hash by heating up a nail or a tip and touching it to the hash while inhaling through a mouthpiece.
• Dabbing: You can dab it by using a dab rig or a nectar collector as described above. Dabbing is one of the most potent ways of consuming bubble hash as it delivers a high dose of cannabinoids and terpenes in one hit. Be careful not to dab too much as it can cause coughing, dizziness, or anxiety.
• Infusing: You can infuse it into edibles by decarboxylating it first. Decarboxylation is a process that activates the cannabinoids in cannabis by exposing them to heat. To decarboxylate BBH, you can place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake it in an oven at 240°F for about 40 minutes. Then you can melt it with butter, oil, or any other fat-based ingredient and use it to make cookies, brownies, cakes, candies, or any other edible you like.
The answer is yes, but it depends on how it is stored and handled. BBH is a moist product that can attract moisture and bacteria if not properly dried and cured. Mold can grow on bubble hash if it is exposed to high humidity, warm temperatures, or direct sunlight.
Moldy BBH can have a musty smell, a fuzzy appearance, or a change in color or texture, and can be harmful to consume, as it can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, or infections.
Therefore, it is important to store it correctly in a cool, dark, and dry place, preferably in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag. It is also advisable to check the bubble hash regularly for any signs of mold and discard it if any are found.
The shelf life of BBH depends on how it is stored and handled. Ideally, bubble hash should be kept in an airtight container in a cool and dark place to prevent oxidation and degradation. Some sources suggest that it can last for up to a year if stored properly, while others recommend using it within six months for optimal freshness and potency.
One possible way to properly do it is to use the air drying method. This method consists of spreading hashish in a thin layer over a large surface area, allowing the water to evaporate naturally and completely through natural air exchange.
This method preserves most of the terpenes and cannabinoids in the bubble hash, but it may take longer than other methods such as freeze drying or cold room drying. It also requires careful monitoring of temperature, humidity, and airflow to prevent mold or contamination.
Freeze-drying preserves the quality and potency of the bubble hash by preventing oxidation, mold growth, and terpene loss.
However, is not recommended for several reasons. First, freeze dryers are expensive and require a lot of electricity and maintenance. Second, it can damage the structure and appearance of the bubble hash, making it less appealing and harder to work with. Third, it can alter the flavor and aroma of the bubble hash, as some terpenes may be lost or changed during the process.
Therefore, it is better to dry bubble hash using a more natural and gentle method, such as air drying or pressing. Air drying involves spreading the hash on parchment paper or a mesh screen and letting it dry in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated area for several days.
Pressing involves applying pressure to the hash using a heated iron or a rosin press to squeeze out the excess moisture and form a solid block. Both methods preserve the quality and integrity of the product while enhancing its flavor and texture.
There are several ways to tell if the hash is dry enough, such as:
- The hash should crumble easily when pressed between the fingers. If it feels sticky or gooey, it needs more drying time.
- The hash should have a light color and a matte appearance. If it looks dark or shiny, it may still contain water.
- The hash should have a pleasant aroma and flavor. If it smells musty or sour, it may be contaminated by mold or bacteria.
To dry it, it is recommended to use a low-temperature oven, a dehydrator, or a fan. The drying process can take from a few hours to a few days, depending on the size and thickness of the hash pieces. It is advisable to check the hash regularly and flip it over to ensure even drying. Once the hash is dry, it can be stored inside an airtight container in a cool, dark place for up to a year.
The potency of BBH depends on the quality and quantity of the trichomes that are extracted. Generally, it’s more potent than regular cannabis, as it contains a higher concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes. The average THC content of bubble hash ranges from 40% to 60%, while some samples can reach up to 80% or more.