Laughing Buddha Strain Review & Growing Guide
The name of this particular variety has a comical meaning. This is not the first nor the last time Buddha’s name is associated with something that the real Buddha would disapprove of. For example, one popular bar was called Buddha Bar. However, there is something significant about its name and why it is appropriate for this hybrid strain.
One of the fundamental teachings of the Buddha is peace and happiness. As cannabis users know, this is one of the main reasons to use marijuana. Although marijuana possesses medicinal properties, the reality is that there are many more recreational users than medical ones. But that’s not to say that the strain we’re discussing has no medical value.
From the name of this strain and the fact that it is primarily a Sativa strain, we can deduce what it can do. Anyone who uses Laughing Buddha will undoubtedly find themselves having a good laugh.
Since Laughing Buddha induces laughter and happiness in users, it is natural that the breeder named it that.
Laughing Buddha Strain Effects
The Laughing Buddha is a unique strain because, despite being mostly Sativa, it doesn’t overpower users with its effects.
Instead, it brings a sense of relief that gradually leads to feelings of happiness. This cerebral high also provides a subtle but noticeable boost of energy, making it ideal for completing tasks.
Additionally, this particular strain is fantastic for social gatherings as it promotes endless giggles and laughter without leaving users feeling spacey.

Laughing Buddha Terpenes
Terpenes are the compounds responsible for the distinctive smell and taste of cannabis, as well as its effects on the user. The complex terpene profile of Laughing Buddha contributes to its uplifting and euphoric high.
Dominant terpene:
Terpene | Characteristics |
Myrcene | Earthy, musky, fruity, clover, hop, pungent |
The dominant terpene found in Laughing Buddha is Myrcene, which has an earthy, musky, and fruity aroma. Myrcene is also present in clover and hops, and it has sedative and anti-inflammatory properties.
Secondary terpenes:
Terpene | Characteristics |
Valencene | Sweet, fresh, orange, grapefruit, wood |
Ocimene | Herbal, sweet, citrus, herbaceous, wood |
Caryophyllene | Spicy, cinnamon, clover |
Carene | Sweet, herbal, earthy, citrus, pungent, musky, wood, cedar |
D-Limonene | Citrus, lemon, orange, tangerine |
Laughing Buddha contains also several secondary terpenes, each with unique characteristics. One of these terpenes is Valencene, which can also be found in oranges and grapefruits. Valencene has a sweet, fresh, and citrusy aroma and provides anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects to the plant.
Another secondary terpene found in Laughing Buddha is Ocimene. This terpene is also present in basil and mint and has antifungal and antibacterial properties that contribute to the overall medicinal value of the plant.
Caryophyllene is another terpene that is also found in black pepper and cloves. It displays anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, making it a valuable addition to the plant’s therapeutic properties.
Carene is a terpene that is also present in pine and cedar trees. It possesses anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that can benefit those with respiratory problems.
Lastly, D-limonene is also present in lemons and oranges and has been shown to have antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects.

Best Laughing Buddha Seeds for Sale
Aroma & Flavor
This strain has a pleasant aroma with a hint of sweetness and notes of herbs, which adds to its overall appeal.
In terms of its flavor, it has a strong herbal taste with a blend of citrus and pineapple. During exhalation, there is also an aftertaste of roasted peppers.
Adverse Reactions
Laughing Buddha is a marijuana strain that offers great benefits, but has some drawbacks to consider. Some consumers have reported experiencing headaches while using it, which can be uncomfortable. Furthermore, other common side effects of using this strain are dryness of the mouth and eyes.
While Laughing Buddha is known to help manage depression, some users may also experience increased anxiety or paranoia. This is a cause for concern for some people, but fortunately, there are many other marijuana strains to choose from.
Before deciding whether to use it or not, it’s best to try it first to see how it affects you.
Medical Benefits
Medical cannabis users often turn to this strain for its mood-enhancing and stress-relieving properties. This hybrid strain is known for its ability to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, while also providing mild pain relief.
Additionally, Laughing Buddha may help fight fatigue by increasing energy levels, similar to the effects of caffeine. As its effects wear off, users may experience an increased appetite, making it a popular choice for people looking to stimulate their hunger.

Laughing Buddha Grow Guide
If you are planning to cultivate the Laughing Buddha, there are some things to consider. First, you need to germinate the seeds. There are various methods to do this, for example using paper towels, peat pellets, or rock wool cubes. However, make sure the seeds stay moist and warm until they germinate.
After germination, you need to transplant the seeds into their final growing medium. This strain prefers organic soil with good drainage and aeration. Adding perlite or vermiculite to improve texture and mixing with compost or vermiculite to enrich the soil with nutrients is your best bet.
Carefully transplant the seedlings into small pots or containers and place them under a light source that can provide at least 18 hours of light per day. Fluorescent or LED lights can be used during this stage.
During the vegetative stage, your plants will grow more in terms of height and foliage. Provide them with enough light, water, nutrients, and air. Use high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps such as metal halide (MH) or high-pressure sodium (HPS), as the Laughing Buddha needs a lot of light. Keep lights on for 18 hours a day and maintain a distance of 12 to 18 inches from the tops of plants.
The Laughing Buddha plant requires a lot of nutrients to grow well and produce large buds. During the vegetative stage, use organic fertilizers such as compost tea or vermicompost. When it gets to the flowering stage, you can use flowering stimulators or bat guano. However, be careful not to overfeed or underfeed the plant as both can cause nutritional deficiencies or toxicity.
Water your plants when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch and avoid over- or under-watering them. Use organic fertilizers such as tea compost or vermicompost and follow label instructions. Maintain the temperature between 20°C and 27°C (68°F and 80°F) and the humidity between 50% and 70%.
Prune your plants regularly to remove dead leaves, branches, and shoots and to improve airflow and light penetration. You can also use training techniques such as topping or fimming.

Laughing Buddha Strain Flowering Time
This is a strain that takes longer to flower than others. If you grow it indoors, it will still take at least 10 weeks to flower.
For outdoor growth, it is recommended to plant this strain a little earlier than usual, as it takes longer to mature. The best time to harvest the sprouts would be during the third or fourth week of October.
Laughing Buddha Yield
You can expect from this strain a yield of 16 to 22 ounces per square meter indoors, and over 22 ounces per plant outdoors.
Laughing Buddha Origin
Laughing Buddha is a popular hybrid strain that came into being through a crossbreeding process carried out by Barney’s Farm, a well-known seed company located in Amsterdam.
The breeders used two different landrace strains from Thailand and Jamaica, which were both famous for their powerful sativa effects.
The result was a strain that blended the best qualities of both parents, including a high THC level of up to 18%, a long-lasting cerebral buzz, and a fruity tropical flavor.
FAQs about Laughing Buddha Marijuana Strain
Indoor growers can expect to harvest 16 to 22 ounces of potent buds per square meter, while outdoor growers can get 22 ounces or more per plant.
Laughing Buddha Barneys Farm is a Sativa-dominant strain with a high THC content ranging from 16% to 24%.
The Laughing Buddha can induce a positive and uplifting mood. It can also help users relax and feel euphoric, as well as boost their energy levels.
However, some users may experience some negative side effects, such as headache, dry mouth, paranoia, anxiety, and dry eyes. These effects may vary depending on the dosage, tolerance, and individual factors.
Here are some tips on how to grow Laughing Buddha successfully:
- Choose the right medium: Laughing Buddha prefers soil over hydroponics, as it can enhance its flavor and aroma. Use organic soil with good drainage and aeration, and add some perlite or vermiculite to improve the texture.
- Provide enough light: Laughing Buddha needs a lot of light to thrive, as it can grow up to 6 feet tall indoors and 10 feet outdoors. Use high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps such as metal halide (MH) or high-pressure sodium (HPS) for the vegetative stage, and switch to LED or fluorescent lights for the flowering stage.
- Control the temperature and humidity: Laughing Buddha likes a warm and humid environment, similar to its tropical origins. Keep the temperature between 68°F and 80°F (20°C and 27°C), and the humidity between 50% and 70%. Use fans, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, or heaters to regulate the climate.
- Feed it well: Laughing Buddha is a hungry plant that needs a lot of nutrients to produce big buds. Use organic fertilizers such as compost tea or worm castings for the vegetative stage, and switch to bloom boosters or bat guano for the flowering stage. Avoid overfeeding or underfeeding your plant, as it can cause nutrient deficiencies or toxicities.
- Prune it regularly: Laughing Buddha is a fast-growing plant that can become bushy and unruly. Prune it regularly to remove dead leaves, branches, and buds, and to improve the airflow and light penetration. You can also use training techniques such as topping, fimming, or low-stress training (LST) to control its height and shape.
- Harvest it at the right time: Laughing Buddha has a long flowering period of 10 to 12 weeks, but it’s worth the wait. Harvest it when the buds are dense, sticky, and covered with trichomes. You can also check the color of the pistils and the trichomes to determine the maturity of your plant. Harvest it when most of the pistils are brown and the trichomes are milky or amber for the best potency and flavor.
Laughing Buddha strain Barneys Farm is a Sativa dominant hybrid that has a high percentage of Sativa, about 80%, and a low percentage of Indica, about 20%.
Laughing Buddha is a strain of cannabis that has a strong herbal taste with a blend of citrus and pineapple. It is named after the smiling Buddha statue because it induces a happy and euphoric effect. When you exhale, you may notice an aftertaste of roasted peppers that adds some spice to the flavor.
Laughing Buddha has resilience against mold and pests, making it a good choice for experienced growers who want to enjoy its uplifting benefits.
There are various techniques for germinating the seeds of this particular variety of marijuana.
One of the most common methods is the paper towel method. In this method, you need to place the seeds on a damp paper towel and cover them with another damp paper towel to keep them moist.
Next, store the paper towels in a warm, dark place and check them daily to make sure they stay moist.
Once the seeds have germinated, carefully place them in soil or similar growing medium.
The best temperature for germination of these seeds is between 21°C and 32°C (70°F-90°F). Temperatures that fall below 21°C (70°F) or exceed 32°C (90°F) may prevent or compromise healthy germination.
Low temperatures can delay or even stop germination, while high temperatures can cause poor germination, stunted or slow growth, and increase the chance of seedlings drying out.
If you want to grow Laughing Buddha, you need to provide it with a warm, sunny climate with plenty of space. This strain thrives in a temperature range between 20°C and 27°C (68°F and 80°F) and a humidity level between 50% and 70%.
Laughing Buddha Strain Info:
- Genetics: Thai x Jamaican
- Variety: Sativa 80% Indica 20%
- Sex: Feminized seeds
- THC: 16% to 24%
- CBD: 0.2% to 0.4%
- CBG: 2%
- Climate: Warm climate
- Difficulty: Easy to grow
- Yield High: indoor 16-22 oz/m2, outdoors 22 oz/plant
- Flowering: indoor 10-12 weeks, outdoor mid to late October
- Taste & Smell: Sweet, spicy, herbal, citrus, lemon, pineapple
- Effect: Happy, uplifted, relaxed, euphoric, energetic
- Medical uses: Depression, stress, pain, lack of appetite, fatigue

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